Categoria: Diversos

Seven tips for better writing habits


Image via Wikipedia

Erica Johnson | February 8, 2011 at 11:30 am | Tags: postaday2011postaweek2011

Speaking of getting back on track after losing your writing groove, Jamie Wallace of Live to Write – Write to Live recently voiced her frustration with how her personal and professional responsibilities have been imposing on her writing time:

I had intended to get back to journaling…I had meant to get back to work outlining my novel, working on character studies, and creating a fabulously retro “map” of my story using markers, sticky notes, and some very large pieces of paper. But, these intentions were all summarily slaughtered by the demands of my Real Life.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I felt disappointment, anger, and guilt.

But she’s working on giving up the “I don’t have time” excuse by making writing a more routine part of her schedule. She explains, “The beauty of a habit is that you do it almost without thinking. It’s not something that you have to work at; it’s just part of who you are and your life.”

Here are seven tips she shared on how to cultivate effective writing habits:

1. Find, make, or steal writing time
2. Have a purpose
3. Avoid the shoulds
4. Start small
5. Be consistent
6. Measure progress
7. Find your joy


Pay a Fee to Apply for a Freelance Gig? No Thanks!

Posted: 26 Jan 2011 04:57 AM PST

Editor’s Note: Wednesday is normally when I post an open thread. But as some of you know, this blog had some technical difficulties last week, so I published Friday’s guest post on Monday and Monday’s post on Wednesday in an attempt to get things back on track.

Before I launch into today’s post, though, I wanted to encourage all you bloggers to BACK UP YOUR BLOG. Seriously. I know it feels like your posts will always be accessible courtesy of that magical cloud in cyberspace. But stuff happens and you’ll wish you’d spent the two seconds to back things up. Trust me on this. And now, back to your (ir)regularly scheduled programming …

I’m not usually a fan of freelance job boards, because the work can be low-paying and clients can get inundated with responses. That’s why I don’t respond to listings that are too vague about the pay or project needs. I tend to focus on networking and prospecting for myself. But occasionally I’ll spot a job listing that’s so right it almost feels as if it were written for me.
That’s what happened last week.However, the catch was that while the job board let freelancers peruse listings for free, it charged a fee if you wanted to actually to respond a listing, sort of like a subscription-based online dating service. I’d been following this board for a while and hadn’t seen other listings that interested me, so I wasn’t about to cough up the cash for the “privilege” of responding to a single client. It might pay off if I landed the client, but he might never write back, and then I’d be out of luck.

Instead, I pieced together as much information as I could from the ad (like the client’s location, the industry, and the contact’s name, though it didn’t list a company name or email address) and tracked down the contact’s LinkedIn page, which led me to the company’s website. From there, I emailed the contact directly and heard from him within a few hours. Turns out he thought I’d be a good fit for the project, too!

Here’s why this strategy works:

  • Differentiates you from other applicants. The fact that you’ve taken the time to track down the company shows initiative. And in some cases, emailing the company directly may set you apart from the dozens of other freelancers who applied through the site and g0t filtered into an email folder to review later.
  • Gives you more direct access to the company. Applying through a website puts an extra barrier between you and your prospective client. There’s no way for you to follow up either. By emailing the company directly, you make it easier for them to respond and for you to follow up.
  • Allows you to research (and screen) the company. The trouble with blind job listings is that it’s often hard to tell if it’s a client you’d actually want to work with. This way you’ve already done a preliminary reading of the website and determined a certain level of interest.

Sure, you may not be able to sleuth out the client in every situation (and in some rare cases the client may not like this approach), but it’s worth a shot.

Your turn! Would you pay money to respond to a freelance listing? Have you employed similar strategies to circumvent pay walls?

Flickr photo courtesy of borman818

Want more traffic? Publicize now makes it easy

Twitter logo initial

Image via Wikipedia

Scott Berkun | February 4, 2011 at 8:59 pm | Categories: Social | URL:

We’ve made some big user experience improvements to how the traffic building feature called Publicize works.  This feature allows you to connect your blog to your account on social networking services like Twitter and Facebook, broadcasting your posts to your friends automatically for you.

In the past it took a few steps to figure out how to get going. Now it’s just a click away.

Starting today, when you publish a post, you’ll see a mention of the Publicize feature.

If you click Turn on the publicize feature, it will take you to the Sharing Settings page in your Dashboard. Here you can configure any of the Publicize services you like.

Pick one or more of the services you want to turn on. It’s required that you already have an account with each service you want to use, as you’ll be sent to the service and asked to log in to connect your blog.

Then, as seen above on the Edit Post page, will let you choose which services you want to send your post to. You can also customize the message you send along with the URL.

It’s now easier than ever to grow traffic to your blog.  If you have more questions, you can read more about how Publicize works here. Happy publicizing!


The U.S. military wants YOU to use social media safely

Seal of the United States Department of Defense

Image via Wikipedia

The United States military has been an avid user of social media for quite some time. Recognizing that communication is a core strength, both internally and with its non-military audience, the Department of Defense and related branches of the military have embraced new ways to reach large numbers of people quickly and effectively. The flip side of social media’s expediency is its transparency. Knowing that its active-duty soldiers and their families at home are using tools like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to keep in touch, the US Army posted its 2011 U.S. Army Social Media Handbook to make sure folks are able to get the most out of social networking without compromising anyone’s safety.

Você está segurando? Aqui está outro motivo para compartilhar

LOVE and CARE for you , my Dearest!!!

Erica Johnson | 25 de janeiro de 2011 às 12:00 | Tags: postaday2011, postaweek2011 | Categorias: inspiração | URL:
Em Compartilhe sua escrita e quem sabe o que vai acontecer, poeta e editor Robert Brewer descreve como conquistar seu medo de partilhar a sua escrita o ajudou a encontrar o amor da sua vida.

Sua história serve como uma grande lembrança que você nunca sabe quem pode se identificar com o que você tem a dizer.

Se a sua escrita é pessoal ou não, não deixe que pensamentos de auto-crítica, ou medo do julgamento impedi-lo de expressar o que você deseja compartilhar com o mundo. Tenha orgulho de sua escrita, e aproveitar a oportunidade de contato com indivíduos like-minded que apreciam o seu trabalho.
Assim, o amor me levou a escrever, e escrever me levou para o amor. Mas nada disso teria sido possível se eu deixasse tudo engarrafado ou escondido. Como escritores (mesmo quando não sabemos o que estamos escritores), o nosso principal trabalho é escrever, mas também para compartilhar.

O quanto você vale?

Awards and decorations of the United States go...

Image via Wikipedia

Muitos de nós deveriamos pensar da seguinte maneira:
“Eu multiplico o meu valor por cem”
O seu sucesso depende do seu valor. A sua felicidade depende do seu valor.
Aprender e multiplicar o seu valor é então a melhor maneira de serprocurado, apreciado, retribuído e quanto mais aumentar o seu valor, mais o seu sucesso será prazeroso e brilhante.
Então se dê valor primeiramente…que as pessoas que o cercam serão valorizadas automaticamente.

Exercise: Need an idea? Try a free write.

Erica Johnson | January 19, 2011 at 11:30 am | Tags: postaday2011postaweek2011 | Categories: Tactics | URL

Stream-of-consciousness exercises are a great way to overcome one of the hardest parts about writing: getting started.

Free writing is a technique that comes in handy when you’re having trouble choosing a topic to write about, or when you can’t manage to make it past that first sentence or two. It’s also an effective way to combat self-critical thoughts and anxiety about deadlines.

Here’s how it works:

First decide how long you want to free write for, then set a timer. Five to ten minutes is a good start, but feel free to challenge yourself with a longer session.

Ready? Go! Don’t prepare anything — just start writing everything that pops into your head, regardless of how nonsensical or bizarre it is. Don’t even bother with grammar and punctuation — just keep your fingers typing, and don’t stop until the timer goes off. (If you find yourself on a roll, by all means, keep writing!)

The final step? Analyze the results.What sentences catch your attention? Did you find a new way to articulate what’s on your mind? Did you remember something funny or interesting? Did you explore a new perspective on an issue?

Remember that free writes don’t have to generate lots of usable content to be valuable. They’re simply intended to help you generate new ideas, organize your thoughts, and get unstuck.

Here’s a ten-minute exercise to get you started. If you give it a try, let us know how it goes!

Blog Leitura Digital - Tudo sobre Tecnologia e Redes Sociais

Eu decidi que quero mais para o blog. Ao invés de apenas pensar em fazê-lo, estou começando agora. Estarei postando no blog uma vez por dia ou uma vez por semana em todo o ano de 2011.

Eu sei que não será fácil, mas pode ser divertido, inspirador, interessante e maravilhoso. Portanto, eu estou prometendo fazer uso de O DailyPost, e a comunidade de outros blogueiros, com objetivos semelhantes, para me ajudar ao longo do caminho, incluindo a pedir auxílio quando eu precisar e encorajar os outros quando eu puder.
Se você já leu o meu blog, eu espero que você me incentive com comentários e goste, lhe desejo sucesso e paz ao longo do caminho.

Ganhe dinheiro clicando em Anúncios

Leitura Semanal –

Continuar lendo


A Internet e Dinâmica Muito, Novas Idéias e surgem um dia CADA. Neste final de semana Fui Convidado uma Conhecer o Sistema 1 Milhão de Visitas Que se propõe uma TRAZER 1 Milhão de Visitas GRÁTIS parágrafo O Nosso blog UO site. Acho Que eu tenho UMA Qaeda Pela Palavra “grátis”, Por ISSO Fui Correndo Conhecer o Sistema, e IAChE uma Idéia Muito valida.

A PROPOSTA e um mês seguinte: Primeiro VOCÊ Visitar Precisa 7 links disponibilizados São Que nenhum Sistema. Disso DEPOIS, VOCÊ CRIAR UMA Podera Conta e cadastrar O SEU LINK, OU SEJA, o Endereço do site SEU, OU blog do Programa Que deseja divulgar voce. FINALMENTE, VOCÊ Precisa indicar o Sistema par o Maximo de PESSOAS Que Puder Usando o link de Divulgação Que VOCÊ vai receber Por e-mail epidêmico Seu Fazer cadastro. Voce also Podera acessar SUA área privativa de MEMBRO nenhum site e copiar o Código HTML de Diversos Formatos de banners parágrafo PROMOVER o Sistema. Mais QUANTO VOCÊ divulgar o Sistema, Mais Visitas vai receber nenhum site SEU.

Pará sincero serviços, como Que inside Visitas ESSE geradas Por Sistema nao sejam de Muita Qualidade, env CADA Vez Que Visita o site Seu Alguém, nao estabele realmente interessado não Seu Produto, ServiçoNegócio ou. Ña Minha Opinião, essas Visitas Meio São parecidas com AQUELAS provenientes de Sistemas de auto-surf OU Troca de Visitas. MESMO ASSIM, UM Por Sistema serviços Totalmente GRÁTIS e nao exigir Muito Trabalho parágrafo colocar Prática em, vale Que Acho uma pena Experimentar. Por ISSO estou indicando. Veja o vídeo:

[Youtube =

Participar Pará GRATUITAMENTE do Sistema, visite this link:

1 Milhão de Visitas Grátis

Como Ganhar Dinheiro Online

Olá, Tudo Bem? Você gostaria de ganhar aprender a ganhar Dinheiro de verdade pela Internet?

Eu Sei Que existem muitos picaretas malandros tentando enganar as pessoas. Que Vão dizendo que você pode ganhar DINHEIRO sem fazer nada, ou que Vão Ficar Ricos da Noite pro dia.

Isso é papo furado!

O Dani Edson vem pesquisando Maneiras de ganhar Dinheiro na Internet há mais de 13 anos e Acabou Encontrando O Caminho do Sucesso. Agora Você Não Precisa Mais Perder tempo nem dinheiro tentando ganhar DINHEIRO NA Internet de Verdade! O Dani Edson já Fez ISSO pra você. Ele montou o “Kit Ganhe DINHEIRO ON-LINE”, Onde Ele Ensina EXATAMENTE, Passo a Passo, Como ganhar DINHEIRO NA Internet de Verdade! São MÉTODOS COMPROVADOS. Estratégias de Negócios Que realmente funcionam. Veja Por SI MESMO:



Anisio Correa Cardoso